focus retreats for leaders & small business owners

Why a focus retreat?

The #1 thing I hear from leaders in my work is “I don’t have time to THINK.” This inability to have real, genuine space in the day is costing us all - time, energy, profit, you name it.

Focus Retreats are designed to slow down, so you can speed up. We carve out critical space for you to explore your most pressing questions, curiosities, and more. We can back in touch with the YOU, your values, your needs, and design from there.

You’ll leave with actionable next steps to take AND a support system to help you keep the momentum going.

How does it work?

Kickoff: Dedicated time with your coach to discuss goals, design YOUR retreat day around your specific goals

Prework: Your coach may invite you to do some pre-Focus Retreat reflection to prime you for the experience

Retreat Day: With options for a Half or Full Day, we’re here to help you move from Point A to Point B. No matter your goals, you’ll leave with clarity, focus, and a starting action plan

3 Goal Activations: Coaching sessions designed to help you move past roadblocks, confidence dips, and unexpected challenges

Completion Session: A wrap up experience

What is it?

A Focus Retreat is an experience all about YOU. It is custom-built for you with you and your biggest questions, needs, curiosities, and more at the center. This experience is for anyone who…

  • is a leader in their home, community, or workplace

  • wants to be in the driver’s seat of their career and ultimately their life

  • feels like they lack the time, energy, space to sloooowwww down, pause, reflect, and come up with thoughtful action steps

If any of this applies to you, this experience is for you.

Sliding Scale Pricing

  • $2500-$5000 - This range is for those who are comfortably able to meet all of their basic needs and have expendable income.

    $2000-$2500 - This range is for those who are able to meet their basic needs but have little-to-no expendable income. Paying for the Focus Retreat may qualify as a sacrifice but it would not create hardship.

  • $3100-$5600 - This range is for those who are comfortably able to meet all of their basic needs and have expendable income.

    $2600-$3100 - This range is for those who are able to meet their basic needs but have little-to-no expendable income. Paying for the Focus Retreat may qualify as a sacrifice but it would not create hardship.

Just as we offer sliding scale pricing options for 1:1 coaching, the same is true for Focus Retreats.

Leading teams is hard, and you don’t have to do it alone - let’s tackle it together.

Let’s get focused!

Ready to get started? Fill out the form below.